The Joy of Delusion in Starting
a Business

TinyBrands  |  26.06.24

Ah, the bliss of starting your own business through the rose-colored glasses of delusion. It truly is a lifestyle choice. Why bother with reality when you can dream your way to success? In this world, every idea is pure gold and minor details like market research and business plans? Those are for the dream crushers.

Delusion will let you believe that clients will magically appear, enchanted by your sheer genius. It will make you forget the grind of networking and advertising and all those boring things, because you know your brilliance is more than enough.

So let’s bask in our delusions! They transform the brutal realities of entrepreneurship into a whimsical adventure where nothing can go wrong!

Richard Mayhew, Delusions, 2000

But in all seriousness, it is important to keep this in mind:

Let us not always dwell on what we have to do, need to do, should do. Instead, let us embrace the essence of who we truly are. The part of us that nurtures our plants and loves our pets. The part that perseveres through difficult times. The part that cherishes fleeting moments of sunshine. The part that is ambitiously driven. The part that faces our innermost fears and shames with courage. The part that sings with joy. The part that connects through genuine kindness and not mere niceness.